Drip at the Warren Coffee - Commercial Photography & Instagram Reel

Client: Drip at the Warren

Date: Summer 2022

Location: Warren Beach, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork

Client’s instagram: @Drip_at_the_Warren

Back during the pandemic, (and still) I was popping down to Drip for my daily hot chocolates. I approached Drip to see if they would be interested in a few pro bono photos. At the time I was building up my portfolio and was collaborating with local businesses to help them build their content, and in exchange I was building my portfolio and experience.

What started out as pro bono work turned into a professional client relationship, and I worked with Shane in the summer of 2022.

They were releasing some merch, including t-shirts, beanies & tote bags and they needed some photos and a short instagram reel to showcase this.

What you can see here are some of the photos I did pro bono, and then my most recent commercial work with them.